
1.     Who can be a member of
Anyone, who registered on  For that you have to confirm your email address. In return you get an assuredness, that your email will not be used in self-interested, commercial and any other purposes.
2.     The responsibilities of participants
2.1.  Respect the culture of communication. Do not use bad language and slang phrases.
2.2.  Respect the speaker. Speaker is the author of the published article. Any disrespect addressed to him in a comment or a question will be suppressed by the moderator.
2.3.  Respect the companion. Any disrespect, insults and threats are unacceptable.
2.4.  Respect the privacy. Publishing of private data without permission is unacceptable.  
2.5.  Respect forum readers. Quarrels with companions on livestream, provoking conflicts are punishing by a restriction to leave comments to the author and other users from 1 to 7 days.
2.6.  Respect copyright. You can cite other authors, but link to the original paper is required.
2.7.  Respect the law. It`s forbidden to distribute pornography, insult other cultures an race, call for violence and make acts of terrorism.
2.8.  We develop our project.  We are open to ads placement and conducting advertising campaigns, to sponsorship of the topics that are discussed, to the preparation of journalistic materials and other individual offers. Our contact is And also, you can find more information in the advertising section.
3.     Rules violation.
In case we find any rules violation п.2 we have a right to:
–        Delete one-time and occasional comments
–        Forbid to leave comments from 1 to 7 days by assigning ban to the user
–        Delete, expel from the club, without the possibility of restoration
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