The Chief Editor message

The Chief Editor of the project is Gennady Marichev, life member of ISOH, holder of Demetrius Vikelas plaque, creator of the Olympic Encyclopedia, which represents 14-volume edition containing full information about the history of the Olympic Movement, personalities of 150 thousand officials and athletes; there are no similar publications in the world.
I invite anyone who is willing to submit their article about any aspects of the Olympic movement, whether it be an excursion into the past, reporting about historical discovery, observation or current fact; problems of the Olympic Movement how you see them, how you see its future and what should we do for this future in your opinion.
I personally convinced that collective efforts and our active position will help us to return the ideals of the Olympic movement, written in 1908 in the famous Bulletin of the Olympic Games.
EVERYONE has the right to offer material for publication and become a respected author.
I ask you to indicate the topic in a couple of sentences instead of sending full text. I or members of the editorial board will definitely contact you (by email or phone), and we will discuss everything in detail.
The editorial office answers all letters, but with a delay sometimes. Therefore, if you haven`t received an answer to your letter within a few days, do not worry.
In order to contact with the Editor directly, you need to go through the registration procedure as a "Real Club Member" and introduce yourself.
Secretly: if you by any reason don`t want to appear in the open club forum using your real name (if it is too well known to pronounce it aloud) then you can simply open a second account for yourself, especially for communication with the Editor. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties
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